Pachedu Group

Why is PG the best candidate?

  • Experienced and diversified team with a strong track record of creating and delivering value for stakeholders.
  • A permanent capital vehicle that invests in portfolio of high-quality investment opportunities that offer good investment returns with exceptional networks in Southern Africa.
  • Desire to target early growth enterprises which will permit portfolio diversification and control.
  • Capability to seek and invest in socially responsible enterprises including disruptive technology companies in all sectors with an emerging market focus centred on Africa.
  • Ability to offer synergies and leverage between investments within our portfolio.
  • Capacity to deliver long term capital growth with distribution back to investors upon crystallization of value events.
  • Hold diversified asset classes including equity investments, fixed income and cash and cash equivalents aimed at catalyzing cross portfolio growth.
  • Ability to use our vast experience working with government officials and the private sector from different countries as well as different development agencies across the globe.
  • Ability to capitalize on our knowledge of trade promotion and trade facilitation within Africa and other markets.
  • Ability to capitalize on our expertise in organizing, coordinating, and mobilizing trade show exhibitors and buyers.
  • Knowledge of the business environment and good networks across the globe.